Heartland Conference Leadership
Overview: Heartland is one of the original Conferences in the Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. There are 30 Churches in the Conference covering: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, New York and Virgina. The Conference hosts a family camp, youth camp and Men of Integrity – men’s retreat.
- Conference President: Chris D. Cravens
Cell: 419 348 7363
e-mail: chriscravens@biblemethodist.org
- Conference Vice President: Deron Fourman
Cell: 419 341-0279
e-mail: pastorderon@frontier.com
- Conference Secretary: Jack Hooker
Cell: 513 312 8236
e-mail: jhooker@gbs.edu
- Conference Treasurer: Mike Pennellatore
Cell: 513 539 2802
e-mail: mpennellatore@cinci.rr.com

Make a donation to the Heartland Conference.

Heartland Conference Executive:
- Front Row left to right: Deron Fourman, Chris Cravens, Jack Hooker
- Back Row left to right; John Manley, Bennie Durr Sr., Steve Miller, Mike Pennellatore