About uS
missionsOur Mission
Our mission is to serve and equip people groups for the sake of peoples unreached with the gospel.

This is our posture or attitude and describes our partnering role with national churches and missionaries. This emphasizes the fact that each missionary and national leader must lead the way as far as ministry on their field is concerned and that we will endeavor to serve the vision God has placed in their hearts. This emphasizes a non-paternalistic, humble, indigenous approach to missions.
This speaks to our primary service to the national church—placing spiritual and practical tools into their hands and training them in the effective use of those tools. By this we will multiply Christian workers who will multiply churches.
This speaks of our concern for all of Christ’s spiritual Body (John 13).
People groups
People groups (groups with same cultures and languages), rather than politically defined nations. “…teach all people groups” seems to be the proper interpretation of the Great Commission. There are less than 200 politically defined “nations” in the world, but 3,000 people groups still unreached.
For the sake of people groups yet unreached
This emphasizes the fact that our commitment to national church strengthening is not an end but a means to reaching others, until the whole world hears. This understanding is important if we are going to be united in purpose and if we are going to challenge this generation to go where the gospel has not been preached.
Our Goals
- We will cultivate like-minded partnerships with persons and institutions when it is strategic to our mission, including Shepherd’s Global Classroom.
- We will focus on biblical discipleship and theological/Christian leadership training.
- We will nurture national workers by responding to their crisis needs, sharing with their families and bearing their burdens in ways which will cultivate relationship but not create dependency.
- We will aid the national church in church planting by promoting pioneer pastor’s support and church construction projects.
- We will pray fervently for Christian workers, both national and missionaries.
- We will challenge young people in the United States toward a “missional” lifestyle.
- We will proactively plan for growth and for reaching unreached peoples.
- We will sacrificially send out Christian missionaries both to the reached and to the unreached.
Donate to Our Missionaries

You can donate online to BMC Missions and help spread God’s love to the world.
You may also send a check to
Bible Methodist Missions
PO Box E
Port Clinton, OH 43452
Missions Director
R.G. Hutchison

R. G. Hutchison has entered the role of Director for Bible Methodist Missions having served as a missionary and field director in the Philippines from 2010-2022. During that time, he was involved in training Filipino pastors and leaders as a professor and academic dean at the Philippine Bible Methodist Shepherds College.
Previous to that, he served as a pastor for more than twelve years, ministering to congregations in Ohio (1 year) and Tennessee (11 years). He is married to Sarah, his life partner of almost 25 years.
An alumnus of God’s Bible School and College (1998), R.G. also holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching and leadership from Asbury Theological Seminary (2018), as well as graduate degrees from Temple Baptist Seminary (M.Div., 2009) and Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (M.S.T. Intercultural Studies, 2015). He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in intercultural studies with Biola University.
He has authored a book, Union with Christ. R.G.’s passion is to help people live in the full confidence that it is “no longer I, but Christ living in me” (Gal. 2:20).
Missions Committee

Left to Right: Stephen Snodgrass, Deron Fourman, Chris Cravens, Mike Avery, John Parker, Doug Eades, G. Clair Sams, John Manley, Darrell Stetler II, Tim Keep, Blake Jones, Chelle Durr.
Shirley Fogleman
Buy Christian Leadership Courses. They are available through Shepherd’s Global Classroom.