Reception of Members
Dear friends, as believers we are blessed with many sacred privileges. These privileges are granted to us through Jesus Christ who loved the world so much that He sacrificed His life to redeem us. Christ welcomes believers into a relationship with Himself as the head of the church. He has incorporated us as members of His body to worship Him, edify one another, and evangelize the lost. The church receives its life and mission from Christ and through communities of fellowship continues His work on earth in the power of His Spirit. Today we are honored to receive members into our local community of believers. These candidates have joined the church universal by the saving grace of Jesus Christ and, having completed the prerequisite membership instruction, now desire to unite with this local body of believers.
Membership Covenant
To the candidates for membership…
By presenting yourself for membership do you affirm: that God has forgiven your sins, that you have been baptized, that you will make the Bible your guide for life, that you will pursue diligently Scripture’s call to entire sanctification, and that you will endeavor to live a holy life both publicly and privately?
Will you endeavor to: participate faithfully in worship services and other means of grace, serve and support the ministries of this church, and live in harmony with your fellow believers?
ANSWER: I will.
Seeing your desire to unite with this church, giving testimony to God’s grace, and pledging the vows of membership, do you also purpose to seek earnestly the peace, purity, and edification of the church, and to walk with all its members in charity, faithfulness, and sobriety?
Church Response
Addressing the membership of the local church the pastor shall say:
It is an honor to receive you as members of the ________Church and to offer you the right hand of fellowship.
Personal words of affirmation may be expressed.
Would the congregation please stand to confirm our reception of these members.
We welcome you as members of this community of the body of Christ. We will endeavor to walk with you in love and nurture your growth as disciples of Jesus. We need and value your contribution to the strength and life of this body. And, we pray God’s blessing to be upon you and this church.
A prayer of blessing shall be offered for the incoming members.